Grey to Green, Sheffield
Planting Design: Nigel Dunnett and Zac Tudor. Scheme Design: Sheffield City Council with Robert Bray Associates. Maintenance (for three-year establishment phase): Green Estate CIC. Phase 1, 2016; Phase 2, 2020​
The Grey to Green scheme in Sheffield is the UK’s largest retro-fit SuDS project, and also the UK’s largest inner city ‘Green Street’. Design work started in 2014, with phase 1 of the 1.6 kilometre scheme installed in 2016, and Phase 2 installed in 2020.
The scheme has been implemented along the length of an inner city dual carriage-way, which runs along the edge of Sheffield city centre. Formerly this highway formed part of the main inner ring road of Sheffield, but construction of an outer ring road in 2010 relieved traffic pressure and congestion to the extent that some carriageway space could be lost. As a result, the former dual carriageway was reduced from four lanes to two..
Below: Grey to Green, Sheffield, Phase 1
In addition to the SuDS and surface water management capability, this is a truly multi-functional project, aiming to increase urban biodiversity and create a wildlife corridor, protect pedestrians from air pollution though multi-layered planting, achieve urban cooling through increased tree planting, treat contaminated water, contain of potential micro plastics and promoting health and wellbeing. But, in addition, a key aspect was that this inspirational landscape scheme would also provide a stimulus and catalyst for further inward investment in the area – a real economic benefit too.
Below: Grey to Green, Phase 1
Below: Phase 2 in November 2024, with glowing pink and red stems and yellow leaf colours of Euphorbia palustris
Below: October photos from 2024
Below: photos from Phase 2, summer 2024
Photos from Phase 2 spring 2024